Short term stay | Post operative care | Respite care

Recovery & Rehabilitation

Epoch Elder Care is an assisted living home. It is not a nursing home or hospice. It provides care and assisted living services for any elderly who want to be independent but need some assistance with their activities of daily living. At Epoch, we follow holistic, person-centered care in a home-like environment, focussing on the person as well as the clinical condition. Epoch Elder Care provides a solid relief management system for post-operative care, rehabilitation, and respite care in a home-like environment.

The post-operative period is crucial for a person to recover and regain the strength to come back to his/her normal routines. The person requires medical management as well as psychological support. If this period is not taken care of, there could be a chance that your loved one can land up in the hospital again.

For any patient, recovery and rehabilitation (especially after an operation) are critical. The major issues faced by families after the surgery are:

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These crucial periods needed to be taken care seriously. At our assisted living homes, we take care of the physical, emotional and social needs of the elders who are in the post-operative stage, so that they return to a state of normalcy. At Epoch, we focus on improving the quality of life of elders.

Our team comprises skilled, experienced, and registered nurses, who regularly undergo relevant training. Our nurses are experienced in managing elders in need of recovery & rehabilitation and skilled nursing care across various types of ailments. Our nursing team is present 24x7 at Epoch homes and hence are constantly available to take care of any emergencies or special nursing needs that can arise during the day or night.

Types of Post-Operative Recovery Care

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Post-Operative Orthopaedic Recovery Care

(After any orthopedic operation such as Total Joint Replacement, Total Knee Replacement, Total Hip Replacement)

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Post-Operative Cardiac Recovery Care

(After any cardiac operation such as cardiac catheterization /coronary angiogram, balloon angioplasty, coronary artery stent, coronary artery bypass graft)

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Post-Operative Trauma Recovery Care

(After trauma surgeries)


At our Epoch Elder Care homes, we offer mainly short term rehabilitation and care for the elderlies after injuries and trauma (these could be limb loss or amputation, fractures, including multiple fractures to the long bones in the limbs and fractures of the hip, spine, or skull, traumatic brain injury, spine injury), diseases and conditions that can cause loss of mobility function (these could be arthritis, stroke, multiple sclerosis), surgery or prolonged treatment for other diseases or illnesses that can cause loss of function (these could include chronic pain, severe infection, cancers - including chemo- and radiation therapies, cardiac arrest, diabetes).

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Sharing from Epoch's experience, some blogs and articles that explain the importance of recovery and rehabilitation

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Management of Bedsores for the Elderly

Prasita Nair, Head Of Clinical Operations

Bedsores also called pressure ulcers and decubitus ulcers are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. Elders confined to beds or wheelchairs for longer periods are particularly vulnerable to bedsores because of their limited ability to change positions.

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Normalizing Life After Stroke

Prasita Nair, Head of Clinical Operations

A stroke occurs when the blood flow to a part of the brain is stopped due to fragmented blood vessels or blood clots. India is observing an increase in people with stroke and is now ranking as the fourth leading cause of death and the fifth leading cause of disability.

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Importance of Post-Operative Care in the Elderly

Dr. Naganath Narasimhan Prem, Chief Consultant, Geriatric Medicine

The common problems which can be of significant concern in post-operative care in the elderly consist of uncontrolled pain, confusion/delirium, dehydration, decreased food intake, and wound care.

The families of our residents have expressed their feelings and shared their perspectives about Epoch's care throughout their journey.

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“He was not in a state to sit for more than 10 mins at a stretch, but my father managed a travel of 8 hours! My family and I owe this progress and stability to Epoch and their very fantastic care team!”

We experienced Epoch’s services in November 2020. My father was visiting us in Gurgaon, just before Covid hit us. He fell in the kitchen and was paralyzed neck below that instant. Post surgeries during his physical rehabilitation period in Delhi, he contracted Covid as well and was subsequently in the ICU...

Click to read full article.

Upasana Nath

Daughter of Mr. Kalyan Kumar Nath (ex-resident)

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Our care & services

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Our clients speaks
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