Palliative Care

Palliative Care, also known as end of life care, is a crucially integrated part of person-centered health service. During a terminal and serious illness, palliative care focuses on the person and the family - on improving the quality of life by emphasizing on relief from the symptoms, pain, physical stress, and mental stress.

Relieving serious health-related suffering of an individual, be it physical, psychological, social, or spiritual, is a global ethical responsibility. Thus, whether the cause of suffering is cardiovascular disease, cancer, major organ failure, drug-resistant tuberculosis, severe burns, end-stage chronic illness, acute trauma, extreme birth prematurity or extreme frailty of old age, palliative care may be needed and has to be available at all levels of care. (Source: WHO)

Palliative care at Epoch

Most of the elderlies who come to Epoch, stay in our assisted living homes for life. Ageing is a natural process and occurs over a period of time, many-a-times with comorbidities, and/or chronic/terminal illnesses. As years go by and they age, many of the elders at our Epoch homes may have to be switched to a palliative care plan.

Our Epoch care team/consultant geriatrician advises and guides the families in planning and managing the end of life care of their elderly loved ones. In all these years at our Epoch homes, many times, we have stood by the side of our elder residents and their families, and have comforted and supported them, as the elderlies pass away gently & peacefully.

Our palliative care/end of life plan is philosophy based. It focuses on preserving the elderly’s quality of life as much as possible, keeping in mind the individual’s/family’s wishes and preferences. Our aim is to ensure that they are comfortable, free of pain, surrounded by a lot of warmth, love and care. At the end of life stage, dignity and respect for the elderly is absolutely critical to all of us.

In our palliative/end of life care, we focus on:

Key aspects

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Pain management

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Symptoms management

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Skin care

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Coordination with doctors

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Nutrition management

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Family support & communication

Sharing from Epoch's experience, some blogs and articles that explain the importance & management of end-of-life care

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End of Life Care at Epoch

Saju Thomas , Facility Manager, Monet House

End of Life care is a natural progression of the work we do at Epoch since most of our elders move-in for life! I have cared for my residents for many years now and it's a bitter fact that death is inevitable (in spite of all our training and professionalism), but here at Epoch, I have learnt over the years, never to lose hope!

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Importance of Quality of End-of-Life Care

Saju Thomas, Facility Nurse, Vermeer House

I have been with Epoch Elder Care as a Facility Nurse for almost 2 years now and it gave me the opportunity to work with elderly very closely which involved not only taking care of their health and medicines but also to understand the needs of this venerable group.

The families of our residents have expressed their feelings and shared their perspectives about Epoch's care throughout their journey.

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I chose Epoch Elder Care for my mother who was suffering from cancer and needed palliative care. My journey with Epoch for nearly 5 months has been very overwhelming. My mother Mrs Sushila Kumari was looked after with the lots of love, best of medical and emotional assistance. She really enjoyed having delicious food, long conversations, celebrations with all the fellow family members. Epoch will always hold a special place in my heart and for that, my family and I shall always be grateful. With lots of love and best wishes!


Daughter of late Mrs. Sushila Kumari

Our FAQs

Palliative care is supportive care for those suffering from serious illnesses, such as cancer, advanced heart or lung disease, or neurological conditions. Palliative care is concerned with the quality of life, and the desire to die with dignity. It meets physical emotional and spiritual requirements for the person and families.

A palliative care team concentrates on all facets of you as opposed to simply the disease. Whereas other providers focus on the actual treatment of the disease, palliative care involves the management of pain, other symptoms, and stress. They hear your concerns regarding a particular disease and assist in interpreting available choices, and they also provide the required care for emotional and spiritual health.

Palliative care enhances quality of life by relieving pain, managing symptoms, and addressing emotional and spiritual needs. It provides comfort, support, and guidance for individuals and families facing serious illness. This care helps people make informed decisions, reduces stress, and promotes dignity. Ultimately, it creates a more personalized and holistic care experience, making difficult times a little easier to navigate.

At Epoch Elder Care, palliative care is about creating a compassionate, personalized journey. We focus on managing pain, addressing emotional well-being, and ensuring comfort, while respecting each elder’s unique needs. Our trained team provides not just medical support, but also companionship and dignity, making sure every moment is lived meaningfully. It’s care that honors the individual, offering peace and support to both elders and their families.

At Epoch Elder Care, palliative care is about creating a compassionate, personalized journey. We focus on managing pain, addressing emotional well-being, and ensuring comfort while respecting each elder’s unique needs. Our trained team provides not just medical support, but also companionship and dignity, making sure every moment is lived meaningfully. It’s care that honors the individual, offering peace and support to both elders and their families.

To know about our care & services

Our care & services

To know about what our clients says

Our clients speaks
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