I had surveyed several places before visiting Epoch. 2 primary factors drove the decision to choose Epoch, first being the location – it was located in Pune city and the second would be a home-like setup in an upscale apartment complex.

There were apprehensions in the family as the assisted living concept was pretty much in its infancy stage, and the decision to move my mom wasn’t well received by others in the family. I stood and finally took the decision. After this came the time we had to move her to the Epoch Monet home. The transition process wasn’t an easy one. My mom has always lived with me so it was hard on her to handle the change so was for me. Nonetheless, in a few months time, my mom started slowly settling in.

Mom stayed at Monet house for about 7 years, and as years passed, so did the progression of her condition (Dementia and Parkinson’s).

Death is inevitable and at some point, one has to prepare for closure with your loved ones. Before mom’s time finally arrived, I was helped and prepared throughout by Saju and team. Saju being the facility manager of Monet house made it easy for us to accept and absorb mom’s change in the care plan to end of life care. I discussed in detail with him and it really helped us get aligned in the care plan, and prepare for the expected. I must acknowledge the support provided by the team. Very commendable!

Even though I had thought about it and was preparing for the worst. When the final time came, it wasn’t easy on me, nonetheless, I was mentally prepared for the eventuality. The team not only supported on care but also supported morally, standing by through the thick and thin. A must shout out to Anshu (Care Attendant) for tirelessly caring for my mother during hospitalization, and for unparalleled support from Saju and Jimmy.

We all are on a journey and at some point, we have to end. Likewise, I knew my mom’s time to adieu this world is nearing. However, I reconciled with the fact that I am so blessed to be her son and all the values she’s imbibed in me. She was a lady with character and dignity and I will continue that legacy. I am so glad that I was next to her in last times, and she somewhere subconsciously was aware that she’s had her family beside her when it was time for her to depart.

In the hindsight, I think it was one of the prudent decisions to have my mom at Epoch. Although there were some jittery moments, in the beginning, I would say my mom had a quality of living at Epoch during her declining mental health. I couldn’t have asked for more and I am very thankful to the team for genuinely caring for my mom.

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